Supporting the Community
Every year we organise and take part in fundraising events to support a local charity
Christmas Tree Collection 2023
This year we expanded our collection area into IP9 with great success, collecting 190 trees and raising over £1,300 for the club and our charity of the year: Blue Cross. Thanks to those who donated, and to our members who gave their time placing road signs, collecting, and chipping the trees. Highly recommend visiting Hollow Trees Farm where the chippings are used on the farm trail. Look out for our business cards, road signs, and banners for Christmas tree collection 2024!

Club 2 Club Cycle Ride 2023
This year, we organised a 50 mile cycle ride from Debenham, to Bury St Edmunds, finishing in Hadleigh, raising a total of £3,200 for our charity of the year: The Suffolk Punch Trust. We all trained hard for this and everyone did exceptionally well in the 30°C heat that day! Thanks to everyone who donated and all those supporting us on the day. (The ice lollies were greatly appreciated!).

Christmas Tree Collection 2022
Our Christmas tree collection was the biggest it’s ever been, collecting over 218 trees from Hadleigh and the surrounding villages, raising over £1,300 for the club and our chosen charity of the year: The Suffolk Punch Trust. It was a great effort from members and the chippings were also used to maintain the Hollow Trees Farm Trail. Look out for our Christmas tree collection this year!

Christmas Tree Collection 2021
The Christmas tree collection in 2021 raised £1,000 from 140 trees collected, with the money donated going to East Bergholt Heart Watch First Responders and to help keep the club running. Thanks to everyone who donated, our generous members who drove, navigated and collected the trees, Heathpatch, Brett Vale Farming, Hollow Trees Farm, and Town and Village.

Pier to Pier Challenge 2021
On the 18th September 2021, 10 of our members took on the challenge of walking 40 miles in 48 hours starting at Southwold pier and ending at Felixstowe. We raised over £1,000 for the amazing charity, Teenage Cancer Trust.

Christmas Tree Collection 2020
One of our biggest fundraising events is our ‘Christmas Tree Collection’. With help from Town & Village Properties, the club arranged the pick up and disposal of Christmas trees in Hadleigh and the surrounding areas. We raised more than £600 for The Shelley Centre.